
1. How do I add an endorsement?

Workspaces => Add Workspace =>Add Change => type - create new => select change type as endorsement

2. Can I delete an endorsement that is added to a work space?

Any change added in the workspace can be deleted. For deleting a Risk select the check box against the Risk and use the delete option against it or the other actions drop down.

3. What happens if add an endorsement whose name matches with the ones that already exist?

You cannot create a duplicate endorsement. When you try, system will load the endorsement that was created earlier with same name along with the attributes by throwing a warning message.

4. What can be modified in endorsement during an update?

display name, description , offer type, attributes such as display name, attribute type, data type(if not used anywhere) default value.

5. Can I add same endorsement under two different parents?

No, A endorsement can be added only under one Risk/Risk extensions.

6. What all can I add under endorsement?

Name, display name, description, cardinality parent and parent type, all the input and output attributes of the endorsement.

7. Can I change display name of endorsement?

Yes, display name can be changed

8. Can I change cardinality of endorsement?

Cardinality defines the measure of duplicity of the component in iFoundry.

9. Can I import more than one endorsement?

You can import as many endorsements as you want using Excel template available in iFoundry. Provided, you have sufficient information to import

10. How many endorsement can I import using Excel?

You can import as many endorsements as you want using Excel template available in iFoundry. Provided, you have sufficient information to import

11. What happens if the Excel imported has the information about existing endorsements?

A endorsement cannot be attached to two different Risks/Risk extensions. However multiple endorsements can be added to different Risks/Risk extensions.

12. Can import endorsement with its child's?

Any new attributes added to the endorsements or the information that can be updated for attribute will be overridden during import. Rest remains same.

13. Can I add endorsement with duplicate names?

Endorsements with same display name can be added. However, names of those must be different.

14. What all can I add under endorsement with duplicate names?

"display name, description , offer type,

Attributes: display name, attribute type, data type(if not used anywhere) default value."

15. What happens endorsement is marked as optional, conditionally optional, conditionally mandatory, as mandatory?

The endorsements are picked up according to the given offer type at the run time.

Optional endorsements are available for user selection

Mandatory endorsements are available are default selected and user will not have option to unselect

Conditionally Optional endorsements comes selected based on condition but user can unselect if he does not need

Conditionally Mandatory endorsements are mandated based on condition user will not have option to unselect for other conditional these endorsements wont show up

Not Offered endorsements will not show up on runtime manifestation"

16. Can I add attributes endorsement with same display names?

Attributes with same display name can be added. However, names of those must be different.

17. Can I add attributes endorsement with duplicate names?

No . There cannot be duplicate names while adding attributes under any endorsement.

18. Can I change the parent of the Endorsement?

No, once created, parent of the endorsement cannot be changed. However you can delete the coverage if its not used anywhere and created with in the workspace